Quick Contact


Dr. Muthuraj - 30809221

Mr. Sathya Narayanan - 30809039

Ms. Kiruba Muthuraj - 30809038

Ms. Umamaheswari - 30809028

Ms. Durga - 30809101


Global Mindset - Indian Roots

-Important Notes-

News And Events

    1. All students going out of the campus will be required to fill in complete details as required in the data base.

    2. It has to be approved by Academic department and then by the respective warden.

    3. Out-pass will be issued between 1000hrs and1600hrs from Monday to Fridays, on working days only.

    4. Request for an Out-pass should be made at least one working day in advance and as per Sl. No-2 above.

    5. If a student desires to go out during weekends/ closed holidays, the out pass needs to be obtained before 1600hrs on any working day prior to that week end/ Closed Holiday.

    NOTE: Out-pass is meant for staying outside the campus. It is not meant for coming late between 2300hrs to 0600hrs, for a given date.

Released date : Version-1,2016