Student Life

Moments pass and an odyssey is tread. Unbeknownst of the circumstances and for some, of the rigor of the course, folks hop in to join in the race for league of General/Energy Managers. Heavy downpour of the vast experience that dawns before us in time and sharing the same with sophomores who have made their career choice in the early part of the life, fill our days with wisdom and freshness floating in air. Sports for the convalescence of the tired mind amidst all work give us plenty to rejuvenate. Midnight walks, huddles, sharing laughs – shoulders, discussions, coffee make the day by revitalizing us for the next task. The future that lie ahead of us, the opportunities that this 2 year of education provide, the rewards that we will reap, wants for a combined effort to succeed and we try doing that here. Growth abounds here. A campus that would be the cynosure for all who visit it.

Global Associations

  • IESEG School of Management
  • HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
  • Pace University
  • University of Huddersfield
  • EDHEC Business School
  • Bologna Business School, University of Bologna
  • Universiti Utara Malaysia
  • Ipag
  • IESEG School of Management
  • HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
  • Pace University
  • University of Huddersfield
  • EDHEC Business School
  • Bologna Business School, University of Bologna
  • Universiti Utara Malaysia
  • Ipag
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