Dr. Poornima Gupta
Dr. Poornima Gupta
Director - PGDM & Professor
Area: Organizational Behavior
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Poornima Gupta is a Professor in the field of Organizational Behaviour. Dr. Gupta comes with over 25 years of experience in Industry and Academia. She has worked as faculty at National Institute of Information Technology (NIIT), Lucknow and organizations like Himalaya Exports Delhi, Permo Marketers, Lucknow and Ask Consultancy Pvt. Ltd., Vadodara. She is also the Director of the PGDM program at Great Lakes Gurgaon campus.
She holds a PhD in Management, is a Post Graduate in Management and has BSc in Statistics from Lucknow University. She has published more than fifteen research papers and cases in various National & International journals in the areas of Behavioral Finance, Millennials, Ethical Decision making and has co-authored two books.
She has conducted several MDP’s for executives of Indian Oil Corporation (IOCL), CESC, Kolkata, Federation of Indian Petroleum Industries (FIPI), North Delhi Power Ltd.(NDPL), CSIR and FIEO.
Books Published
- “Organisational Structure & Design an Indian Perspective”(2008), Macmillan Publishers, New Delhi
- “Family managed, Multinationals and Public Sector Enterprises- the Strategic choices for Global Competiveness” ,(2007) Anne Books, New Delhi
- The Capstone case- “FortCaps Ltd” (2006) , Fortune Institute of International Business, New Delhi
Books Chapter
- 'Millennials- Understanding and Attracting Them to Higher Education ' by Poornima Gupta with Preeti Goyal (GLIM, Gurgaon), published by IGI Global (2019)
Journal Article
- Poornima Gupta, with Dr. Meenakshi Gandhi, "From Intentions to Actions: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach to Understanding Sustainable Consumption Behaviour" published in Journal of Cleaner Production - ABDC A Category, (January 2025)
- Poornima Gupta, with Preeti Goyal, "Is game-based pedagogy just a fad? A self-determination theory approach to gamification in higher education" published in International Journal of Educational Management - ABDC B Category, (2022), https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/IJEM-04-2021-0126/full/html
- Poornima Gupta, with Preeti Goyal, "Herding the influencers for investment decisions: millennials bust the gender stereotype" published in Journal of Financial Services Marketing - ABDC B Category, (2022), https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/s41264-022-00195-4
- 'Is Game Based Pedagogy just a Fad? A Self-Determination Theory Approach to Gamification in Higher Education', by Dr. Poornima Gupta & Dr. Preeti Goyal, International Journal of Educational Management, ABDC- B, (2022) https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/IJEM-04-2021-0126/full/html
- 'Millennials in Higher Education: Do They Really Learn Differently', by Dr. Poornima Gupta & Dr. Preeti Goyal, 'Issues and Ideas in Education', Dec 2021 https://iie.chitkara.edu.in/index.php/iie/article/view/252
- 'RBF - Antecedents to Heuristics: Decoding the Role of Herding and Prospect Theory for Indian Millennial Investors', by Dr. Poornima Gupta, published by Emerald Publishing (2021)
- 'GEN Y Attributes – Antecedents to Teaching Pedagogy' by Preeti Goyal with Poornima Gupta (GLIM GGN), published by Vison: The Journal of Business Perspective (2017)
Conference Proceedings
- Poornima Gupta, with Dr Akhter Rather, "Using Sentiment Analysis to sense employee sentiments towards working fromhome: Implications for HR Policies" published in British Academy of Management, UK (2023)
- Poornima Gupta, "Influence of Alumni Engagement Programs on Employability of management graduates" published in IMC (2024)
- Poornima Gupta, "Understanding Factors Affecting Pro-Environmental Behavior by students using Theory of Planned Behavior approach." published in IMC (2024)
- 'Myth of Gender Stereotype: Evidence from Financial Decisions' by Poornima Gupta with Preeti Goyal (GLIM), published by British Academy of Management, UK (2020)
- 'Engaging Millennials using Gamification' by Poornima Gupta, published by Ireland Academy of Management (2019)
- 'Heuristics, Herding and Prospect Bias: A Peek into the Millennials’ Financial Decision Making Mindset'' by Poornima Gupta & Preeti Goyal, published by ANZAM (2019)
- 'Stress in Women across different Industries' by Poornima Gupta, published by British Academy of Management (2018)
- 'Putting fun back into learning' by Poornima Gupta, published by SKEMA Busines School, France (2018)
- 'Generational Differences in Learning Attributes: Millennials and Gen X in Higher Education' by Preeti Goyal with Poornima Gupta (GLIM GGN), published by Australian New Zealand Academy of Management (2017)
Paper Publication and Case Studies
- 'The Case of the Ace Employee', by Dr. Poornima Gupta, published by Human Capital (2022)
- 'Is It All Rosy?', a Case Study by Dr. Poornima Gupta, published by Human Capital (2021)
- 'Employee Exit :To Retain or Let Go' by Poornima Gupta, published by Human Capital Magzine (2019)
- 'IQF: Leading Change in Rural India' by Poornima Gupta with Jones Mathew (GLIM, Gurgaon), published by Case Centre (2019)
- Co-authored paper titled \"Style matters: the influence of linguistic style on the efficacy of organizational accounts\" that has been selected for presentation in Academy of Management conference and has been nominated for the Carolyn Dexter Award
- \"Organizational Stress Among Indian Women Executives\", Cresent Journal of Business, Vol 2(1), 2013
- “Demographic Variables associated with organizational stress in women executives”, Journal of International Management, Vol 7(2), 2010
- “Organizational Commitment- a Case study”, in Focus, Vol 6, no. 1, April-Sept-2010, a referred journal of IFIMB, Bangalore
- A chapter on “Environment Protection and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Critique” in a book published by IISWBM Kolkata, in July 2009
- Paper on “relationship of demographic factors to the level of job satisfaction of employees of a garment manufacturing unit” Published in Amity Business Review, Vol 9, No. 3, July-December 2008
- Paper on “ Managing A Cross Cultural Workforce in the Globalised world” published in Fortune Journal of International Management, Vol 4, No 1.Jan-June 2007
- Written Case Study on the Human Resource Management in FORTCAPS as a part of the Capstone case published by FIIB.
- Paper on “Innovation through Inclusion” presented in the National conference on “Management Challenges in Emerging Economies” organized by Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida on 20th January, 2007
- Paper on “Perceptions of the Appraisees of the Performance appraisal process\" published in Fortune Journal of International Management, Vol 3, No 1.
- Paper accepted on “Innovation through Inclusion”, at Jaipuria Institute of Management.
- Paper on “Innovation in Organisation” accepted for presentation at 33rd World Conference by IFTDO in Malaysia.
- Paper on “Perceptions of the Appraisees of the Performance appraisal process\". accepted for presentation at “Workshop on Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management Research”, Toulouse, France
- Presented a paper on “Developing HR Competencies for Organizational Renewal” at NICOM, National Management Conference at NIRMA Institute of Management Ahmedabad
- Published a paper on “Corporate Social Responsibility- Sustainability & Development” in the Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute of Management & Research’s Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility.
- Case study on “Meenu Capsules –A” on problems faced in production and quality control by an industrial unit
- Case study on “Meenu Capsules –B” on incentive schemes offered in an industrial unit
Trade Publications
- 'Digital Nomads - Boon or a Bane for Organizations?', by Dr. Poornima Gupta, published by People Matters (2021)
- 'Remote Working : Causing Fatigue Rather Than Comfort', by Dr. Poornima Gupta, published by People Matters (2021)
- 'COVID 19 : The bold new world' by Poornima Gupta, published by People Matters (2020)
- 'Children, not career: Millennials in Delhi have their priorities clear' by Poornima Gupta, published by Quartz India (2019)
- 'Strike While The Iron Is Hot' by Poornima Gupta, published by Human Capital (2017)
Mainstream Press
- Poornima Gupta, "Career Crossroads: 5 effective strategies to reskill yourself and stay ahead of the curve" published in Hindustan Times (2024), https://www.hindustantimes.com/education/features/career-crossroads-5-effective-strategies-to-reskill-yourself-and-stay-ahead-of-the-curve-101717748333162-amp.html
- Poornima Gupta, "Navigating the corporate landscape | How to cope with layoffs and embrace upskilling" published in India Today (2023)
- Poornima Gupta, "How To Leverage AI And Automation For Strategic Hiring" published in HR.com (2023)
- 'Navigating the Corporate Landscape,' authored by Dr. Poornima Gupta, published by India Today (2023)
- Quoted in the article 'Private Universities Gamify Entrance Exams as Part of Education Revamp', published by Money Control (2023)
- 'Gamification: Enhancing Engagement and Learning Outcomes in Business Studies,' authored by Dr. Poornima Gupta published in Tech Circle (2023)
- 'The Silver Lining in the Time of Tech Layoffs' published by Financial Express (2023)
- 'The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Effectiveness', by Dr. Poornima Gupta, published by ET HR World (2022)
- Quoted in 'How do you tackle Sensitive Topics in Class? Teachers underline how it is all about Balance', published by The Indian Express (2022)
- 'Recruiting Strategies for 2022' by Dr. Poornima Gupta, published by ET HRWorld (2022)
- 'Covid - 19 impact : Coronavirus led to a volatile employment trend throughout 2020' by Poornima Gupta, published by The Financial Express (2021)
- 'The new ‘millennial’ rules for recruiters' by Poornima Gupta, published by Live Mint (2019)
- 'Man-Machine compatibility for sustainability- Boon or a Bane?' by Poornima Gupta with Harish Kumar (GLIM, Gurgaon), published by The Hindu.com (2019)
- 'How Women Are Fearlessly Exploring Various Career Avenues' by Poornima Gupta, published by Business World (2019)
- 'Digital Nomads: Unraveling the Millennials' Way of Working and Living' by Poornima Gupta, published by Entrepreneur India|/quoted (2019)
- 'The final question' by Poornima Gupta, published by The Hindu (2018)
- 'How HR leaders of Indian businesses handle workplace conflicts among employees' by Poornima Gupta, published by SME Futures/quoted (2018)
- 'Aggressive women vs passionate men: Negotiating a tricky serve' by Poornima Gupta, published by Mint/quoted (2018)
- Case study on \"Understanding Human Behaviour at work place”, Human Capital, November 2015.
- Case study on \"The pangs of employee attrition”, Human Capital, September 2015.
- how professional is Gen - Y in Business Manager November 2015
- HR the Techie!! in Human Capital magazine, May 2015
- Glass Ceiling: very much a reality in People matters April 2015
- HR Analytics in People Matters Nov 2014
- Make in India in People Matters Dec 2014