Dr. Jones Mathew

Dr. Jones Mathew
Principal & Head of Institution
Chairperson - Rankings & Accreditations
Area: Marketing
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Mathew is a Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), MBA - Marketing from BIT- Mesra, Ranchi; B.A. Economics from Lucknow University, and brings with him 18 years of industry experience followed by 13 years of B-School academic experience. “Personal Philosophy of Education: There are two pillars to my perspective on the role of education.
- No one must be left behind
- Education must be built around the ‘soul factor’ (SF)”
Principal & Head of Institution - Great Lakes Institute of Management, Gurgaon.
Chairperson - Rankings & Accreditations.
Lead for NBA, AACSB, NIRF and AMBA accreditations and rankings
Teaching Areas: Marketing Management, Consumer Behaviour, Product and Brand Management, Services Marketing, Sales and Distribution Management, Selling and Negotiation Skills
Research Areas: Consumer Behaviour, Need for Uniqueness, Market Mavenism, Brand Sustainability, Brand Co-Creation, Tourism Marketing, Services Marketing, Sustainable Marketing, CSR-ISR, Management Leadership
Case Studies Authorship: Case studies in areas of Branding, Channel Strategy, Marketing Strategy, and Digital Marketing (Ivey Publishing Canada, UK Case Centre, IMD Lausanne).
Journal Articles
- Jones Mathew, "Ensuring brand loyalty for firms practising sustainable marketing: a roadmap" published in Emerald Insight - ABDC B Category, (2022), https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/SBR-10-2021-0189/full/html
- Jones Mathew, with Parul Yadav, Bhawna Agarwal, "Green Marketing Strategy Adoption by Indian Political Party Brands with Special Emphasis on Marketing Mix- Indian Journal of Marketing" published in Indian Journal of Marketing - ABDC C Category, (2023), https://indianjournalofmarketing.com/index.php/ijom/article/view/172727
- Jones Mathew, "Modeling higher education institutional choice drivers: a pre- and in-pandemic study of business schools in India" published in Journal of Advances in Management Research - ABDC B Category, (2023), https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JAMR-02-2023-0044/full/html
- Jones Mathew, with Nupur Yadav, Sujata Khandai, "Sustainable Consumption: A Bibliometric Study" published in Dynamic Relationships Management Journal - Indian Publication indexed in Scopus and/or WoS Category, (2023), https://sam-d.si/en/revija/sustainable-consumption-a-bibliometric-study/
- Jones Mathew, "Green choices and brand happiness: A recipe for brand evangelism" published in Wiley Journal Sustainable Development - Indian Publication indexed in Scopus and/or WoS Category, (2024), https://DOI: 10.1002/sd.3237
- Kashyap, N., Khandai, S., and Mathew, J. (2023), ‘Sustainable Consumption: A Bibliometric Study”, Dynamic Relationships Management Journal, Volume 12, Number 2, November 2023, DOI: 10.17708/DRMJ.2023.v12n02a05 [Scimago Q3, Scopus].
- Yadav, P., Agarwal, B. & Mathew, J. Indian voters’ attitude and behavior toward a political brand for producing green products: a mediation model. Futur Bus J 10, 41 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s43093-024-00327-3
- Venkatesh, U., Mathew, J., Ojha, R. and Agarwal, A. (2023), "Modeling higher education institutional choice drivers: a pre- and in pandemic study of business schools in India", Journal of Advance Management Research, Vol. 20 No. 5, pp. 947-965. https://doi.org/10.1108/JAMR-02-2023-044
- Yadav, P., Agarwal, B. and Mathew, J. (2023), "Green Marketing Strategy Adoption by Indian Political Party Brands with Special Emphasis on Marketing Mix - Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol 53, Issue 5, May 2023, ABDC-C
- Srivastava, S, Madan P, Dey, B, Qadir, A and Mathew, J. (2022).” Impact of destination brand experience on destination advocacy: trust and loyalty as moderators”, Consumer Behavior in Tourism and Hospitality (Renamed from 'International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research') 10.1108/CBTH-01-2022-0002. ABDC “B” https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/CBTH-01-2022-0002/full/html
- Khandai, S., Mathew, J., Yadav, R., Kataria, S. and Kohli, H. (2022), "Ensuring brand loyalty for firms practicing sustainable marketing: a roadmap", Society and Business Review, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/SBR-10-2021-0189 ABDC B, SCIMAGO Q2
- Kaur, Avneet, Khandai Sujata and Mathew Jones, (2021). “Bibliometric Analysis of Brand Trust and Brand Loyalty Relationship: A Research Agenda”, International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management, SCOPUS Indexed.
- Ojha, Ravindra; Mathew, Jones; and Venkatesh, Umashankar (2021). “Excellence through downstream innovation in times of pandemic: Insights from the auto sector”, International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness (2021) 16 (Suppl 1): S16–S28; Received: 14 January 2021 / Accepted: 11 June 2021 / Published online: 1 September 2021; © Global Institute of Flexible Systems Management 2021. ABDC C
- 'Does Consumer need for Uniqueness Influence Travel Decision Making' by Jones Mathew, published by Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal. (2020)
- Venkatesh, U., Chaudhuri, A., and Mathew, J. (2021). “Benevolence in new-age businesses of developing economies: Some conclusions from the information technology companies/sector of India”, Journal of Human Values, 27 (1), 49-59, 2021. Scopus Indexed. SCIMAGO Q2.
- Dey, B, Mathew, J. and Hua-Chee, C. (2020). “"Influence of Destination Attractiveness Factors and Travel Motivations on Rural Homestay Choice: The Moderating Role of Need for Uniqueness", International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research (accepted for publication June 2020). ABDC Category B.
- Mathew, J and Dey, B. (2020). “Antecedents of Need for Uniqueness: A Study of Adolescents in India”, International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, Web of Science indexed.
- Mathew, J., Dey, B and Singh, A. (2016). “A Typology of Service Organizations as a Function of Customer Participation, Intangibility and User Type”, Journal of Services Research, Volume 16, Issue 1 (April - September 2016) ISSN No. 0972-4702. ABDC Category C.
- Mathew, J., and Dasgupta, P. (2014). “Conceptual construct of the Relationship Between Antecedents and Consequences of Need for Uniqueness (NFU) and its Impact on Adolescents’ Consumer Decision Making Process, Journal of Marketing and Communication, Vol. 10, Issue 1, (2014) ISSN No. 0973-2330
- Mathew, J., and Dasgupta, P. (2014). “An Exploratory Study of the Need for Uniqueness among Indian Adolescents”, International Journal of Research in Economics & Social Sciences, Volume 4, Issue 8 (August 2014) ISSN No. 2249-7382.
Case Studies
- Jones Mathew, with Umashankar Venkatesh, "Kineer- A Social Marketing Challenge" published in John Molson Business School, Canada (2022)
- Jones Mathew, Sandeep Puri, Manavi Chopra (2023), "Zenonco.io: Service Delivery and Brand Building Dilemmas", Ivey Publishing
- Jones Mathew, Sujata Khandai, Sandeep Puri (2022), “Lebua: A Thai Luxury Hotel’s Post-Pandemic Dilemmas”, Ivey Publishing, June 2022
- Jones Mathew, Sandeep Puri, Darren Meister, and Maria Luisa Chua Delayco (2021); 'Amazon Food Bites into Food Delivery Market in India'; Ivey Publishing. W25902
- Mathew, J., Venkatesh, U., et al (2021), 'Kineer: A Social Marketing Challenge', accepted for publication by IMD Lausanne, Switzerland - 3rd Prize at John Molson International Case Study Competition (2022), Canada
- Mathew, J. (2020), “Sab ke Liye Big Bazaar: Empowering Persons with Disabilities”, Confederation of Indian Industries CII Special Issue on PwDs,
- Mathew, J. (2020), “IHG: Hospitable to PwDs in the Hospitality Sector”, Confederation of Indian Industries CII Special Issue on PwDs,
- Gupta, P and Mathew, J (2019), “IQF: Leading Change in Rural India”, The Case Centre (UK), Product # 419-0076-1 and Teaching Note Product # 419-0076-8
- Venkatesh, U and Mathew, J (2019), “The Attire: Marketing Organic Apparel, Niche or Mainstream?”, The Case Centre (UK), Product # 519-0054-1 and Teaching Note Product # 519-0054-8
- Mathew, J., Dey, B and Puri, S (2018). “Tiktauli De Corps: A Branding Dilemma”, Ivey Publishing, Western University, Canada; Product Number 9B18A066
- Mathew, J., Dey, B and Puri, S (2018). “Brand W: Strategizing for Omni-Channel Retail”. Ivey Publishing, Western University, Canada; Product Number 9B18A046.
- Mathew, J., Dey, B and Puri, S (2017). “The Renault Kwid: Disrupting India’s Hatchback Market”. Ivey Publishing, Western University, Canada; Product Number 9B17A023
- Mathew, J and Dey, B. (2017). “The Vanca: Reworking Digital Marketing Strategy”, 2016. Ivey Publishing, Western University, Canada; Product Number 9B17A011
- Mathew, J. and Dey, B. (2016). “The Vanca: Reworking Digital Marketing Strategy”, Winner of Marketing Category, ISB-Ivey Global Case Competition, 2016. https://www.thecasecentre.org/educators/casemethod/competitions/results/ISB2016
- Mathew, J and Dasgupta, P. (2015). “The Vanca: Dilemmas of an E-Commerce Entrepreneurial Startup”. Ivey Publishing, Western University, Canada; Product Number 9B15M035.
- Mathew, J and Singh, R (2014). “S.A.I.L. - Distribution Strategy for Non-Urban Markets: A Case Study; Management and Change, Volume 18, Number 2, 2014. ISSN No. 0972-2149
- Dasgupta, P and Mathew, J, (2012), “Social Media Marketing at Reebok India – The Dilemma of ROMI and Beyond”, Case published with ECCH – Emerald Emerging Market Case Studies, (UK),October 2012. Full Text Downloaded 680 times (Dec 2014)
Book Chapters
- Venkatesh, U., Mathew, J., & Chaudhuri, A. (2019). “Corporate social responsibility as an antecedent of brand valuation, in Mitra, N. & Schmidpeter, R (eds.), Mandated Corporate Social Responsibility - Evidence from India. Switzerland: Springer.
- Mathew, J and Joshi, R.M, (2016). “An Exploratory Research into the Antecedents of the Need for Uniqueness Motivation among Adolescents in India”, Contemporary Issues in Business and Economy, Regal Publications, New Delhi ISBN 978-81-8484-595-2.
- Jones Mathew and Partha Pratim Pal (2022), "Sales Manager's Essentials - A Practical Workbook for Success", Bluerose Publications, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-93-5611-208-7, February 2022, Pages - 172
- Pal, P.P. and Mathew, J. (2020). “The Leadership Essentials – A Practical Handbook for Success” – A Workplace Series Presentation, Blue Rose Publications, New Delhi. ISBN No. 978-93-90034-52-9, March 2020, 242 Pages
Conference Proceedings
- Discussion Panel Moderator - Amity University's Amity School of Business ICESBD 2022 Conference - on the topic "Sustainability and Entrepreneurship"(2022)
- Conference Track Chair (Marketing) - Amity University's Amity School of Business ICESBD 2022 Conference (2022)
- Discussion Panel Moderator - Amity University's Amity School of Business ICESBD 2022 Conference - on the topic "Sustainability and Entrepreneurship"(2022)
- Conference Track Chair (Marketing) - Amity University's Amity School of Business ICESBD 2022 Conference (2022)
- Dr. Jones Mathew - Keynote Speaker at the 16th South Africa Smart Procurement Conference 2022
- Dr. Jones Mathew - Panel Moderator for CSR and Sustainability in Business and Ph.D. RDC at the ACCF Conference at Amity University
- Dr. Jones Mathew - Keynote Speaker at the 7th International Conference - Managing Business Enterprises: Survival, Transformation and Rediscovering Growth in the Post Pandemic World, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Usha & Lakshmi Mittal Institute of Management, New Delhi, 9th April, 2022
- Dr. Jones Mathew et al, 'Development of Eco-Tourism - Issues & Challenges', ASSOCHAM (2022) https://youtu.be/0AzX37wbwtg?t=2744
- Venkatesh, U, Mathew, J and Chaudhuri, A (2018), “Corporate Social Responsibility as an Antecedent of Brand Valuation”, 8th International Conference on Sustainability and Responsibility, organized by the Centre for Advanced Sustainability Management (CASM), Cologne Business School, (14th-16th Nov. 2018), Cologne, Germany.
- Banasree Dey and Jones Mathew (2017), “Marketing Implications of Consumer Attitudes towards Food Additives and Behavioural Intentions for Bakery Products”, presented at the International Conference in Marketing Jan 2017, IIM Lucknow (NOIDA Campus).
- Jones Mathew (2016), ‘“Endless Aisle”: The Future of Fusion of Virtual Technology and Physical Stores to Raise Customer Engagement”’, 1st International Conference on Digital Marketing: Innovative Brand Building through Digital Marketing, International Management Institute, New Delhi, January 2016.
- Joshi, R.M. and Mathew, J. (2016), “An Exploratory Research into the Antecedents of the Need for Uniqueness Motivation among Adolescents in India”, Joshi, R.M., and Mathew, J, 2016. International Management Conference, FIIB, New Delhi.
- Dey, B and Mathew, J (2016), “The Impact of Destination Competitiveness and Destination Attractiveness on Tourists’ Accommodation Choice: A Study of Rural Homestays in Uttarakhand” presented at the Great Lakes Institute of Management-North America Society for Marketing Education in India conference, Chennai, Dec 2016.
- Dasgupta, P and Mathew, J (2012), “Market Mavenism and Consumer Need for Uniqueness: Marketing Implications for Brand Advocacy and Innovation Adoption”, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow International Marketing Conference, 2012
- Dasgupta, P and Mathew, J (2012), “Market Mavenism and Consumer Need for Uniqueness: Marketing Implications for Brand Advocacy and Innovation Adoption in A Socially Networked World”, Great Lakes NASMEI Conference December 2012.
Mainstream Press Articles
- Quoted in a Story: "Budget 2025 Expectations: What relief can India's middleclass expect from Union Budget 2025? - Pre Budget, " published on January 30, 2025, in ET Now..
- Quoted in a Story: "Expectations for India's Budget in 2025: What the Education Sector Expects in 2025 Budget - Pre-Budget," published on January 30, 2025, in ET Now.
- Quoted in a Story: "Economic Survey 2025 LIVE: FM Sitharaman To Table Report In Lok Sabha Shortly," published on January 31, 2025, in Times Now.
- Sustainable Horizons: Unraveling the dynamics of ethical branding in 2024, Financial Express, June 9, 2024 and in Brand Equity, Economic Times, June 8, 2024 (https://www.financialexpress.com/business/brandwagon-sustainable-horizons-unraveling-the-dynamics-of-ethical-branding-in-2024-3517959/, https://brandequity.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/marketing/sustainable-horizons-unraveling-the-dynamics-of-ethical-branding-in-2024/110811902)
- Jones Mathew, "Micro-influencers Helping Brands Connect to Target Audience" published in Realty Plus (2024), https://www.rprealtyplus.com/interviews/micro-influencers-helping-brands-connect-to-target-audience-113984.html#:~:text=Micro%2Dinfluencer%20marketing%20is%20highly,influence%20below%20mega%2Dinfluencer%20engagement
- Jones Mathew, "Branding beyond products: Building emotional connections and brand communities" published in Financial Express (2024), https://www.financialexpress.com/business/brandwagon-branding-beyond-products-building-emotional-connections-and-brand-communities-3538296/
- Jones Mathew, "How AI Is Revolutionizing Education" published in Businessworld Education (2024), https://bweducation.com/article/dr-jones-mathew-discusses-how-ai-is-revolutionising-education-528935
- Jones Mathew, with Simarjeet Singh, "Strategic Learning in the AI Era: Enhancing Business Education with Bloom’s" published in ET Education (2024), https://education.economictimes.indiatimes.com/blog/strategic-learning-in-the-ai-era-enhancing-business-education-with-blooms-taxonomy/115002468
- How B-Schools Are Teaching Future Leaders to Put the Planet Over Profit (Prof. Jones Mathew)(https://www.indiatoday.in/education-today/featurephilia/story/management-education-teaching-sustainability-consumerism-2591450-2024-08-31)
- ‘Products’ To 'Adaptive Products': How Marketers Are Looking At ‘Disability Inclusion’ As Next Big Strategy', authored by Dr. Jones Mathew published by ABP Live (2023)
- 'Marketing in the Digital Age; Leveraging Social Media, E-commerce for Business Growth,' authored by Dr. Jones Mathew published in Financial Express (2023)
- Quoted in 'ChatGPT presents challenges but could be used as a pedagogical tool' - Education Times (2023)
- 'B-school Education and the Unicorn Boom' published in The Hindu (2023)
- 'The Possibilities of ChatGPT for Marketing' published by ET Brand Equity (2023)
- Jones Mathew, with Chitrakshi Bhutani, "Products To Adaptive Products: How Marketers Are Looking At Disability Inclusion As Next Big Strategy" published in ABP Live (2023)
- 'Glocalisation: A Road Map for Survival Beyond the Hype', by Dr. Jones Mathew, published by Financial Express (2022)
- 'Marketing and its Value Chain Partners: A Symbiotic Relation Worth Cultivating', by Dr. Jones Mathew published in ET BrandEquity
- 'Marketing in an Alternate Universe', by Dr. Jones Mathew, published by Financial Express (2022)
- 'Is Sustainable Marketing Just an Elitist Fad?', by Dr. Jones Mathew, published by Financial Express (2022)
- Jones Mathew, "Marketing in an alternative universe" published in Financial Express.com (2022)
- 'Elevating Customer Experience: Do you Want to Try a Few New Routes?', by Dr. Jones Mathew, published by Outlook India (2021)
- 'A Current Perspective On Teacher-Student Relationship' by Dr. Jones Mathew, published by BW Education (2021)
- 'How brands can survive the pandemic's second wave' by Jones Mathew, published by Forbes India (2021)
- 'Disruptive Innovation as Marketing Strategy' by Jones Mathew, published by Hindu Business Line (2021)
- 'The new marketing currency: Brand trust' by Jones Mathew, published by Forbes India (2021)
- 'Why your brand needs to focus on customer experience discusses the importance of deep customer engagement for a long term relation with the customers.' by Jones Mathew, published by Forbes India (2020)
- 'The metamorphosis of CX in THE YEAR' by Jones Mathew, published by ET Brand Equity (2020)
- Mathew, J. (2020). “Covid-19: The importance of brand recall in mom-and-pop retail”, ForbesIndia.com, 17.7.2020 (Online).
- Mathew, J. (2020). “Brands and Consumers in Corona Times: Total Local or Focal Glocal?”, BusinessWorld, 19.6.2020 (online).
- Mathew, J. (2020). “An Ocean of Opportunity in Assistive Products”, The Pioneer, 28.3.2020. (Print)
- Mathew, J. (2020). “Post Covid-19: Will Consumer Behaviour Patterns Mutate?”, ET Brand Equity.com, April 25, 2020; https://brandequity.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/marketing/post-covid-19-will-consumer-behaviour-patterns-mutate/75369733
- Mathew, J. (2020). “Covid-19: How marketers can help in coping with anxiety in times of a pandemic”, ET Brand Equity.com, April 11, 2020; https://brandequity.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/marketing/covid-19-how-marketers-can-help-in-coping-with-anxiety-in-times-of-a-pandemic/75091911
- Mathew, J. (2020). “An Ocean of Opportunity in Assistive Products”, The Pioneer, 28 March, 2020.
- Mathew, J. (2020). “Rural entrepreneurship: How hinterland’s young entrepreneurs could solve India’s social challenges”, Financial Express, Feb 2020
- https://www.financialexpress.com/industry/msme-other-rural-entrepreneurship-how-hinterlands-young-enterprises-could-solve-indias-social-challenges/1873844/
- Mathew, J. February (2020), “Role of Fintech in the Digital Economy”, CXOToday.com; https://www.cxotoday.com/news-analysis/role-of-fintech-in-the-digital-economy/
- 'FMCG Companies should recognize the 'New Rural India' to stay relevant: Study' by Jones Mathew with Umashankar Venkatesh (GLIM, Gurgaon), published by The Hindu Business Line (2019)
- Mathew, Jones (2019).”Brand Sacrifice: Recipe for Success in Millennial Market?” Businessworld, October 2019, http://www.businessworld.in/article/Brand-Sacrifice-Recipe-For-Success-In-Millennial-Market-/12-10-2019-177339/
- Mathew, Jones (2019). “Look, Who’s Watching”, Business India, Annual CSR Issue, August 2019, pp 120-121.
- Mathew, Jones (2019). “Breaching Yet Another Male Bastion: Challenges and Opportunities for Women Leaders in SCM”, CPO Innovation.com, August issue, 2019
- Mathew, Jones (2019). “4Ps in the Digital Age”, CPO Innovation.com, July 2, 2019; https://lnkd.in/fU8pNZK
- Mathew, Jones (2019). “AI-ML power: Misplaced Paranoia?” ForbesIndia.com, June 14, 2019; http://www.forbesindia.com/article/great-lakes-institute-of-management/aiml-power-misplaced-paranoia/53941/1
- Kalra, S.K. and Mathew, J (2019). “Soul factor, the missing link in B-schools”, The Hindu BusinessLine, May 31, 2019. https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/soul-factor-the-missing-link-in-b-schools/article27389498.ece
- Mathew, Jones (2019). “Lessons from the best: How India’s L&M Industry can take it up a notch”, Financial Express, Brand Wagon, May 13, 2019; (print) https://www.financialexpress.com/industry/lessons-from-the-best-how-indias-lm-industry-can-take-it-up-a-notch/1576265/.
- Mathew, Jones (2019) quoted in Lata Jha’s 'Avengers: Endgame' set for biggest Hollywood release in India’, LiveMint, https://www.livemint.com/industry/media/-avengers-endgame-set-for-biggest- hollywood-release-in-india-1556108274004.html, April 24, 2019
- Mathew, Jones (2019). “Glocalization – Global + Local Approach of Brands”, Entrepreneur; https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/331465, March 29, 2019
- Dr Jones Mathew, Dr Umashankar Venkatesh and Prof Anirban Chauduri, (2019), “FMCG Companies should recognize the “new rural India” to stay relevant: Study”, Hindu BusinessLine, February 19. https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/economy/fmcg-companies-should-recognise-the-new-rural-india-to-stay-relevant-study/article26313814.ece.
- 'Artificial Intelligence and 21st century Marketing' by Jones Mathew, published by The Forbes India.com (2018)
- Mathew, Jones (2018). “Marketing to the Rainbow Consumer”, Hindu Business Line.com, October, 4, 2018. https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/catalyst/marketing-the-rainbow-consumer/article25113447.ece
- Mathew, Jones (2018). “AI Assistants - The New Gatekeepers in the Consumer Decision-Making Process”, Silicon India Technology, August 7, 2018. https://technology.siliconindiamagazine.com/viewpoint/ai-assistants-the-new-gatekeepers-in-the-consumer-decisionmaking-process-nwid-13497.html.
- Mathew, Jones (2018). “Data Supremacy: Choice Between Distributed or Concentrated Locus”. BusinessWorld. June 27, 2018. http://businessworld.in/article/Data-Supremacy-Choice-Between-Distributed-Or-Concentrated-Locus/24-06-2018-152750/
- Mathew, Jones (2018). “Finding new routes to enter homes”. Business Standard, Quoted in article on Online Furniture Rental companies. June 19, 2018.
- Mathew, Jones (2018). “The frightening future of data tyranny”, Forbes India online, March 1, 2018; http://www.forbesindia.com/article/great-lakes-institute-of-management/the-frightening-future-of-data-tyranny/49547/1
- 5 Marketing Trends that will Rule the Market in 2018, https://yourstory.com/2017/12/5-marketing-trends-rule-market-2018/, published December 8, 2017. Published in Yourstory.com.
- Mathew, Jones (2017). "Personal product ownership is passé: Is Indian consumer behavior changing?", Forbes India, September 14, 2017. http://www.forbesindia.com/article/great-lakes-institute-of-management/personal-product-ownership-is-pass%C3%A9-is-indian-consumer-behavior-changing/48107/1.
- Mathew, Jones (2017). Quoted in “The Task Ahead for Infosys”, Business Standard, 24 August, 2017. Other contributors to the article: Siddharth Reddy, MD, BI Worldwide India and Maanendra Singh, Managing Partner, Antal International; http://www.business-standard.com/article/companies/the-task-ahead-for-infosys-117082301511_1.html
- Mathew, Jones (2017). Quoted in “How GM can Reduce Exit Pain” by Ritwik Sharma. Business Standard, 3.7.2017, page 14, along with an ISB Professor, a PwC Partner and a GM spokesperson. http://www.business-standard.com/article/companies/how-general-motors-can-reduce-exit-pain-117070300020_1.html
- Mathew, Jones (2017). “Today’s Digital Marketing Trends”, Forbes India. 29.6.2017. http://www.forbesindia.com/article/great-lakes-institute-of-management/ todays-digital-brand-marketing-trends/47387/1
- Mathew, Jones (2017). “New-age buyer is seeking experiences”, Business Standard, 29.6.2017. http://www.business-standard.com/article/companies/new-age-tech-savvy-buyer-is-seeking-experience-117062801450_1.html
- Mathew, Jones (2017). “Why corporates need to ‘invest’ in case studies”, Financial Express, 1.5.2017. http://www.financialexpress.com/education-2/why-corporates-need-to-invest-in-case-studies/648412/
- “Professor from Great Lakes Institute of Management, Gurgaon Wins at ISB- IVEY Global Case Competition 2016”. HTCampus. http://www.htcampus.com/article/professor-great-lakes-institute-management-gurgaon-wins-isb-ivey-global-case-competition-2016/
Journal Reviewer / Editorial Board Member
- Member of the Editorial Advisory Board - IIFT journal
- Tourism Review - Reviewer
- International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness - Reviewer
- Editorial Advisory Board Member of Review of Global Economy, Trade and International Business (RGETIB), Houston, USA, since March 2020
- Reviewer on the Journal of Indian Business Research since 2019 ABDC Category C Journal, Emerald Publishing.
- Reviewer on the International Journal of Business and Globalization since 2019 ABDC Category C, InderScience Publishers
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Amity Journal of Commerce and Financial Review, Journal of the ACCF, Amity University, NOIDA since 2018.
- Book Evaluator for Publishing, Oxford University Press, since 2019.
PhD Research Advisory Committee Member
- AIMA-AMU PhD Scholar Supervision
- Amity University, NOIDA
- Nirma University, Ahmedabad
Management Development Programs (MDPs) in the areas of
- Services Marketing in the Automotive Domain
- Selling Skills in a Virtual Covid Affected World
- Marketing Strategies
- Negotiations for Higher Profitability
- Marketing for non-Marketing Professionals
- Presentation and Communication Skills
- Motivation and Team Building
- Leadership as a Life Skill
MDPs Conducted at
Hero Motocorp, Nokia Siemens Networks, Reebok, TERI, Department of Women and Child Welfare (Govt of Delhi), Somany Ceramics Ltd, PHDCCI –New Delhi, Jaipur, Lucknow, and Patna; Escorts; IIFT –New Delhi; New Horizons –NOIDA (UP); SR Technologies- New Delhi; Li & Fung-Gurgaon; Wire & Fabriks, Kolkata/Jaipur.
Management Consultant to
- Ecosuut.com – A sustainable fashion brand
- "Only Good' - Working in the area of Carbon Mapping and Sustainability.
Social Work
- Honorary Secretary, Shiksha Prayas, Gurgaon: A Registered NGO which works in the area of empowering economically underprivileged children through quality education and other support activities.
Visiting Faculty at
- SPJIMR, Mumbai/Delhi
- IIFT, New Delhi
- Great Learning, Gurgaon