Learning Experience
Inspiring Guest Lectures
Guest Lectures are an integral part of our offering. Participants get a chance to interact closely with visionaries, achievers and outstanding personalities on a wide variety of contemporary topics. Guest Lectures are generally planned as complimentary to a course that is being offered during that term.
Normally a GL is of about 90 minutes duration with the first 45 minutes taken up by the speaker during which he/she introduces to the audience the latest concepts/practices in vogue and thereafter a lively discussion ensues that serves to reflect as well as to draw inferences.
Recent speakers include Mr. Ratan Tata, Prof. Philip Kotler, Prof. C.K. Prahlad, Prof. Ashwath Damodaran, Dr. Y. V. Reddy, Prof. Jagdish Sheth, Mr. Vivek Paul, Dr. Gold Ratt, Mr. Narayana Murthy and Dr. Marti Subrahmaniam, Dr. Subramaniam Swamy, Dr. Anji Reddy of Reddy's Labs and Prof. Mangalam Srinivasan (advisor to former Indian PM Mrs. Indira Gandhi).
Blackboard – State of the Art Learning Management System (E-Learning)
- Creating and Uploading Course content
- Communications
- Assessments & Grade Book
- Student Management
- Workshops
- Discussion Board
- Forum – Forum & Thread grading
- Forum moderation & User Management
- Group discussions
- Statistics
Post Graduate eXecutive Program in Management contact classes will be held at the Great Lakes campus, Manamai. A modern day gurukulam, the picturesque seaside resort will provide a world-class learning environment for the participants.
LEED Platinum Certified Campus
Great Lakes Institute of Management is the first educational institute in India to have achieved LEED PLATINUM certification under LEED India NC version 1.0. Great Lakes Institute campus sports many green features that directly contribute to the environment in terms of reduced energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, impact on the local environment and usage of natural resources.
The heart of the campus is the Academic Wing which houses a versatile resource center, a computer lab, classrooms, faculty offices, administrative offices, air-conditioned lecture theatres, meeting rooms, and an auditorium with a seating capacity of 500 that is coming up shortly. It has a trading terminal directly connected to the NSE trading terminal to facilitate Online stock trading. From the conference halls, participants, can interact by computer or video-link with faculty, industrial leaders and other students anywhere in the world. Specially designed conference halls and class rooms facilitate group study and dynamic peer interaction. The amphitheatre in the middle of the Institute serves as the social hub of the campus, providing space for discussions and leisure.
Computer Centre
The Institution has a well-equipped computing facility and offers Intranet, Internet and e-mail services to its community members. The entire campus is Wi-Fi enabled and there is 24-hour uninterrupted internet access including the hostels. The e-mail system, which is the most widely used service on the campus premises, offers a very user-friendly and comprehensive set of communication facilities. The e-mail system allows users to access mails, both from inside the campus and outside. A computer lab with several desktop systems is also available for students to access. The centre has several software packages like SPSS, SAS and more, to help students to be Business Ready Managers. Every student is given a permanent life long e-mail (Web Mail) account for all correspondence with the faculty, administration, peers and alumni. The Great Lakes website also provides for in-depth information on the School and its activities. Great Lakes implements a very strict security policy to ensure the highest levels of network health and safety.
Recreational Facilities
In addition to the Fitness centre that houses treadmills, steppers, stationery cycles, multi-station gym, the PGXPM participants can enjoy inbound and outbound group events such as Carrom, Chess, Cricket, Volleyball, cycling etc. Participants are encouraged to avail the facilities at the Great Lakes campus at Manamai.