Dean's Message

Dear Friends,

"Everything that can be invented has been invented"

Charles H. Duell, Commissioner of U.S. Patent Office, 1889

In this apocryphal quote lies the most profound underestimation of the ingenuity of the human mind. In the hundred and thirty years since Mr. Duell apparently uttered these words, the world has seen inventions from the mundane such as the paper towel and bubble gum to the magnificent, such as the airplane and the computer. All of these inventions succeeded because of one basic fact – they served the needs of their potential customers better than existing alternatives. Equally, technologies and knowledge that became old and irrelevant to changing customer needs lowly died out or faded into obsolescence. This is the challenge that companies are facing everywhere in the world today. How do we stay relevant? How do we transform ourselves and our state of knowledge to keep up with the changes in the marketplace? Words such as "digital transformation" and "agile" roll off the lips of leaders in industry.

You, my dear friends, are at the crossroads of this exciting moment of change. You are trying to figure out whether it is time to expand your horizons, so that you can be better equipped for the future. The organization you are working for may believe in change and want to equip itself for the challenges of tomorrow. If so, you are lucky, because you may well find your way back there after completing your education. If not, you are still lucky, because there are scores of companies that are hungrier for new talent. The only question you have to ask yourself now is "Where should I go for my education?"

The answer to that question lies in the reasons you are seeking this education. The fact is that you have plenty of choices in India and abroad. However, the number of schools that are equipped to teach you all that you need to succeed in this new world can be counted on your fingertips. Very few are agile and open to change, always on their toes to try something new. Many are over 40 years old, burdened by bureaucracy and the attitude "This is how we have always done things." They are slow to embrace change, and reluctant to try something new. In other words, the very opposite of "agile." Some of these schools are stymied by the lack of resources and talent to impart this new knowledge to students. Consider the following information:  Great Lakes Institute of Management is ranked 5th among all private business schools in India as per the 2020 Outlook ICARE rankings, 4th among one-year programs per Business World in 2017, and 6th among all business schools in terms of teaching, learning, and resources, per the 2019 NIRF rankings. There is a reason we are ranked so high despite the fact that we are only 15 years old. We believe in evolving with the needs of the market. That is why we were the first among all business schools to launch an analytics program, that is now rated as the best in India and the third best in the world, per Analytics Insight magazine. Accolades such as these are earned by investments made in hiring the best talent, trained at top tier institutions from around the world, who are well-known for their scholarship and expertise. They are earned by the effort put in by each member of our faculty in the classroom to make the learning experience truly special for our students. This is the Great Lakes edge that makes us the best place to equip yourself for the challenges of tomorrow. Our internationally accredited PGPM course is a perfect blend of academic elegance and business relevance. You will interact with a select group of students filtered by our rigorous admissions process, chosen not just for their intellect, but also for the diversity of thoughts and ideas they will bring into the classroom. With participants from all over the country, each class of about 420 students brings such an eclectic mix of work experience, cultural background, value systems and perspectives that the learning never ceases even outside the classroom.

We have created a peaceful, sylvan oasis very close to the bustling city of Chennai, a LEED Platinum rated 30-acres campus, with pristine surroundings and liberal faculty-student interactions. Apart from regular classroom discussions, we have a variety of experiential learning modes of instruction where students learn by actual doing rather than theory. We have live projects offered by companies, simulations, real-time trading, conferences and seminars, industry interface and interaction opportunities, etc. We have a one of a kind social engagement experiential learning program called Karma Yoga, where students spend time in villages around the institute, and provide instruction and help to poor tribals and farmers on a variety of issues including primary education, healthcare, financial literacy, etc.

Everything that we do is keeping you in mind. At Great Lakes, the process of invention is never done, because we believe that as your needs change, so must we. It does not take an Einstein to figure that out.

Dr. Suresh Ramanathan
Dean & Principal, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai


  • Cornell University
  • Chicago Booth
  • Skema Business School
  • Universite Bordeaux
  • Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
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