MBA in Business Analytics
The MBA in Business Analytics program is offered by Stuart School of Business at the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, in collaboration with Great Lakes Institute of Management, India. It is a comprehensive program that covers the latest analytics tools and techniques along with their business applications. The topics would be covered in a practical and hands-on manner with real world case studies to enable participants to succeed in business roles using data analytics.
in India
By Analytics India Magazine
Great Lakes
in the World
By Analytics Insight Magazine
Great Lakes
Best Masters in Marketing
Programs by TFE Times
IIT Chicago

First B-school in India to offer specialization in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & Analytics (AIMLA). Ranked No. 3 in the world in Analytics and 1st in India (for four years) by Analytics India Magazine. Faculty consistently featured in the top 10 Analytics Academicians in the country

Constantly updated and globally benchmarked curriculum with focus on key emerging areas including Digital Business, Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and NLP.

The MBA in Business Analytics boasts “best in class” global alliances with academic pioneers and industry leaders in analytics.

Learn from Great Lakes and IIT Chicago’s faculty who hold advanced degrees from the world’s most prestigious universities.

Access to global alumni networks of both IIT Chicago and Great Lakes.

Curriculum crafted by real life practitioners in the AIMLA board including from GAVSTech and Virtusa