Associate Professor & Director PGXPM Program
Area of Expertise: OB,HR & Strategy
Email: [email protected]
R. S. Veeravalli is currently an Associate Professor, with Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai. His teaching areas are Entrepreneurship, Negotiation, and Learning & Development. He was additionally Co-Director of the Global Energy Executive MBA of the University of Houston & Great Lakes joint program in 2012-14. He has been associated with Great Lakes since its inception.
Prior to joining Great Lakes, he has spent 25 years in corporate organizations in senior & top management positions, and did Consulting for Hindustan Unilever for about 2 years, before turning to academics full-time. He has worked with the Godrej group for more than half his corporate career - in Sales, Distribution, Product Supply, Quality and Human Resources functions - in senior management. He was the nominated Chief Executive Officer for ISO 9000 Quality Systems in Godrej Sara Lee Ltd. He was one of the youngest to become a General Manager in the godrej group at about 33 years of age, having had a fast track growth throughout the career.
He has earlier taught at the Shailesh J Mehta School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai, as a visiting Co-faculty, while at Godrej, Mumbai.
He has been trained in Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers (JUSE), Japan, in Total Quality Management (TQM), is a Certified Assessor for CII-Exim Bank Business Excellence Award model, which is based on the European Quality Award (EFQM) model. He has done the Entrepreneurship Educators’ Certificate program with Stanford University with distinction. He has trained and follows the Harvard Business School way of Negotiations theory and methods, in his teaching and training offerings.
He holds a Masters Degree in Sociology, and has done an accelerated (9 months) Senior Management Program (SMP) with Cornell University, USA. He is a research scholar in Entrepreneurship, which is an area of his passion and research interest, and is expected to complete his PhD by 2021-22.