Dr. Rajiv Grover is the holder of the Sales and Marketing Chair of Excellence at the University of Memphis. Before his former appointment as the dean of the Fogelman College, he was the holder of the Terry Chair of Excellence and the Head of the Marketing Department at the University of Georgia.
Dr. Grover has held academic positions at Penn State, University of Pittsburgh, and the University of Georgia. He has been a visiting professor at Johns Hopkins, Duke, and Stanford. He has also held corporate positions including the one of being a Senior VP at a Silicon Valley start-up that was engaged in software development in the e-commerce area. Dr. Grover’s area of expertise is marketing with specific capabilities in the interface of marketing research and marketing strategy. His accomplishments span research, teaching, executive development, editorships, consulting, expert witness engagements and authorship. He has published in top academic journals such as Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research and Journal of Marketing and has been on the editorial board of the Journal of Marketing Research and Journal of Marketing. He has authored the book Theory and Simulation of Market-Focused Management (Dryden) and was the founding editor of The Journal of Market Focused Management. He has edited The Handbook of Marketing Research: Uses, Misuses, and Future Advances (Sage). He is currently leading a group of top scholars to create a graduate-level Marketing Management textbook to be published by Prentice Hall.
In addition to these achievements, he has consulted with and conducted executive education programs for leading organizations such as AT&T, ALCOA, KPMG, PNC Bank, PPG, Texas Instruments, Citibank, IBM, Microsoft, Heinz, HP, and Eli Lily. Dr. Grover received his Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts, MBA from the Indian Institute of Management and Electronics Engineering degree from the Indian Institute of Technology.