Name | Topic | Name of the conference | Year |
Shameem Shagirbasha & Juman Iqbal | Factors influencing consumer adoption of e-learning systems | 15th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai | 2021 |
Booshnam Dinakaran & Anbumathi. R | Loyalty better than Royalty Manifestation of Restaurant Loyalty as a function of storescape in an Indian context | 15th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai | 2021 |
Angeline Gautami Fernando & Anu C Haridasan | Consumer Boycotts on twitter : Visualisation using semantic networks | 15th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai | 2021 |
Rammyaa. M, Rajeshwari.K & Pavithra.M | Factors that influence sustainable product adoption- A Case of E-vehicles | 15th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai | 2021 |
Umayal Karpagam, Angeline Vilma, Booshnam Dinakaran & Prasanna. V | Motives for Migration from theatres to OTT: A PPM approach | 15th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai | 2021 |
Sankalp Sharma, Sowmya Dhanaraj & Vidya Mahambare | Profiling female exclusion from labour markets : A latent class approach | Annual Conference on Economics and Public Policy | 2021 |
Sankalp Sharma, Sowmya Dhanaraj & Vidya Mahambare | Profiling female exclusion from labour markets : A latent class approach | Winter School 2021 of Delhi School of Economics and Centre for Development Economics | 2021 |
Sandeep Srivathsan & Manjunath Kamath | Extending Parametric Decomposition Method to Evaluate the Performance of a Production-Inventory Networks with Batch Service | 31st Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) | 2021 |
Sandeep Srivathsan & Sriram Rajagopalan | Operationalizing Transport Infrastructure Integration (TII) for Accident Abatement in Emerging Economie | 31st Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) | 2021 |
Sandeep Srivathsan | Performance Evaluation of Bike Sharing Systems | 31st Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) | 2021 |
Srikant Krishnanprasad & Rajeev Tripathi | Ridesharing operations using a blend of self-scheduling and full-time capacities | Manufacturing and Service Operations Management,Kelley School of Business, Indiana University | 2021 |
Srikant Krishnanprasad | Demand allocation policies for ridesharing platforms with dual capacities | XXIV Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management | 2021 |
Jalaj Pathak, Abhinav Anand & Sankarshan Basu | New measure of financial text readability | IIM Ahemdabad Seminar Series | 2021 |
Jalaj Pathak, Abhinav Anand & Sankarshan Basu | New measure of financial text readability | IIM Bangalore Finance Seminar Series | 2021 |
Sowmya Dhanaraj & Vidya Mahambare | Are India’s farm debt waivers a political tool that impacts government finances? | 6th International conference on South Asian Economic Development, South Asian University, Delhi, | 2021 |
Shameem Shagirbasha | Online shopping behaviour : Predicting consumer’s purchase intention | 51 Annual Decision science institute Conference | 2020 |
Shameem Shagirbasha | Electric vehicles in India To buy or not? Mining opinions of consumers | 51 Annual Decision science institute Conference | 2020 |
Shameem Shagirbasha | Moderated-Mediation Model of Emotional Labour | 51 Annual Decision science institute Conference | 2020 |
Shameem Shagirbasha | Employee customer interaction and emotional labour: The moderating role of emotional intelligence | Virtual Midwest Academy of Management (MAM) Conference | 2020 |
Shameem Shagirbasha | Sentiment analysis on adoption of blockchain in different sectors | 52 Annual Decision science institute Conference | 2020 |
Shameem Shagirbasha | What drives consumers to choose their payment method- A study on organized retail outlets | 52 Annual Decision science institute Conference | 2020 |
Shameem Shagirbasha | Factors affecting customer satisfaction in online video streaming | 52 Annual Decision science institute Conference | 2020 |
Sowmya Dhanaraj & Vidya Mahambare | Women’s employment, gender identity and partner violence in Urban | Australian Gender Economics Workshop,Brisbane, Australia | 2020 |
Anbumathi, R, Umayal Karpagam & Sriram D | Exploring the cognitive and affective factors influencing brand love in online food delivery services | 4th International Conference on Marketing, Technology and Society, IIM Kozhikode | 2020 |
Rajeshwari K & Pavithra.M | Informal Innovations - Current Context and Challenges | 14th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai | 2020 |
Shameem Shagirbasha & Divya S | Consumer adoption of e- learning systems | 14th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai | 2020 |
Kishore Bhatter, Shameem Shagirbasha & Rajeshwari K | Organizational factors and New Product Development Success: A study of Indian Start-ups | 14th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai | 2020 |
Shameem Shagirbasha, Booshnam Dinakaran & Angeline Vilma | Customer’s purchase intention in brick and mortar stores: Can employees act as influencers? | 14th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai | 2020 |
Chidambaranathan T, Goutham Krishna N, Narayani P& Sriram D | MASSTIGE Brands in India: Attributes and its effect on Self Brand Connect among Indian Automobile Brands | 14th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai | 2020 |
Ranjitha Ajay & Madhumathi.R | Earnings management and Executive compensation: A study of Indian Manufacturing sector | Sixth Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management (INDAM 2020), Indian Institute of Management Tiruchirappalli (IIM Trichy) | 2020 |
Booshnam Dinakaran, Angeline Vilma & Shameem Shagirbasha | Can employees influence customer behaviour? An Exploratory Study among Indian Brick & Mortar Stores. | 04th International Conference on Marketing, Technology & Society 2020 | 2020 |
Sriram Rajagopalan & Sriram R | Aspects of Digital Urbanism in India and Abroad | IFIP WG 8.6 Working Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Tiruchirappalli | 2020 |
Sriram Rajagopalan & Sriram R | A Critical Appraisal of Digitalization in City Administration | Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS),Salt Lake City, Utah, United States | 2020 |
Sriram Rajagopalan & Sriram R | Going Digital in electoral process for a better Democratic Evolution An empirical study on methods to improve voter turnout in India | Sixth Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management (INDAM 2020), Indian Institute of Management Tiruchirappalli (IIM Trichy) | 2020 |
Pon Mythili, Rajeshwari K & Shibashish Chakraborty | Post-COVID-19 Sales Force Effectiveness – A Qualitative Study | 28th Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Science Conference, at Baveno, Italy | 2020 |
Pon Mythili | Transformational leadership and group cohesiveness: Mediating role of followers’ KarmaYoga | Indian Academy of Management, IIM Tiruchirappalli | 2020 |
Hema Swamy & Chandan Palaksha | SME upgrading strategies | AIB International Conference – Paper Development Workshop | 2020 |
Prakash Sathyavageeswaran, Sridhar Samu, Rajesh Nanarpuzha& Jossin Shaji | Enjoying the Sale: The Case of Itinerant Retailers in Festivals | ACR, Paris, France | 2020 |
Prakash Sathyavageeswaran, Sridhar Samu, Rajesh Nanarpuzha& Jossin Shaji | Consuming Extraordinary Experiences: Personal Transformation in the Antistructural Realm | ACR, Paris, France | 2020 |
Sridhar Samu, Prakash Sathyavageeswaran, Rajesh Nanarpuzha& Jossin Shaji | EMAC, "Exploring Extraordinary Experiences - Temple Festivals in India," | Budapest, Hungary | 2020 |
Shameem Shagirbasha | Employee customer interaction on emotional labour: Emotional intelligence as moderator. | Midwest academy of management | 2020 |
Sriram R & Shameem Shagirbasha | Eustress – Much Needed Stress in Organizations | Sixth Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management, IIM Trichy | 2020 |
Sriram Rajagopalan & Sriram R | A Morphological analysis on Digital Urbanism | International Conference on Digital Economy | 2019 |
Udaya Prakash N | Importance of Classification Techniques | National conference on Talk in the Statistics | 2019 |
Hema Swamy & Chandan Palaksha | SMEs and Economic upgrading in GVCs: Success factors | AIB International Conference – Paper Development Workshop | 2019 |
Arulsamy.S & Sriram. R | Social cues in Retailing: The narrowing gaps between rural and urban consumers – A study on food and grocery retail in select districts of India | 13th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai | 2019 |
Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran, Nirmalya Bandyopadhyay & Nachiketas Nandakumar | The Impact of Consumer Sales Promotion on Variety Seeking Behaviour | 13th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai | 2019 |
Rajeshwari K & Shameem Shagirbasha | How is organisational culture in a start up different from that of an established organisation, in the context of NPD? | 13th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai | 2019 |
Sriram D & Anbumathi.R | Conceptualization and exploratory analysis of service constellation | 13th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai | 2019 |
Harindranath R M & Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran | Bayesian Structural Equation Modelling for Research in Fashion Management | 13th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai | 2019 |
Harindranath R M & Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran | Indian verses MNCs Salespersons: A Multi-Group Analysis of Selling Skills, Adaptive Selling on Job Satisfaction and Sales Performance | 13th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai | 2019 |
Vidya Mahambare, Sridhar Samu & Sanjoy Sircar | Designing a successful financial product: Learnings from chit funds | 13th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai | 2019 |
Akarsha Pandey, Debanjana Haldar, Ishita Mogra & Sriram D | Effectiveness of Influencer Marketing: A study on Fashion Industry | 13th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai | 2019 |
Suresh Ramanathan | Top Down, Side Up: Effect of Food Architecture on Consumption of Hedonic and Healthy Foods. | European Marketing Academy Conference, Hamburg, Germany | 2019 |
Anu C H, Angeline Gautami Fernando & Saju B | A Push pull mooring approach to examine consumers cross channel switching intentions | 13th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai | 2019 |
Bilwa Upadhye, Debasis Pradhan, Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran & Teidorlang Lyngdoh | The Impact of Advertising Appeals on Impulse Buying | 13th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai | 2019 |
Alok Kumar,Vaidyanathan Jayaraman & Vivek Kumar Dubey | Impact of Buyer Legitimacy on Supplier Fairness Perceptions and Relationship Outcomes | 13th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai | 2019 |
Sriram Rajagopalan & Rammyaa.M | Factors that Improve Sales of Lowest Repetitive Purchase Segments Through Online. | 13th NASMEI International Conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai | 2019 |
Umayal Karpagam & Nataraj B | Factors Influencing Choice of Alternative and Complementary Medicine | 10th Conference on Excellence in Research and Education (CERE,2019) ,IIM- Indore, | 2019 |
Mishra, Sridhar Samu & Shameem Shagirbasha | Believe it or not! Antecedents and consequences of false news in marketing has been accepted as a poster Presentation | Asia Pacific ACR Conference - IIM Ahmedabad | 2019 |
Sriram Rajagopalan | Sustainable E-Procurement | 28th Annual Frontiers in Service Conference, Singapore, | 2019 |
Sriram Rajagopalan | B2B E Marketplace for Textile Industry. A Preliminary study to capture wholesaler’s perspective. | 2nd International Conference on Digital Economy, IIM Raipur | 2019 |
Sriram Rajagopalan | Maturity Assessment of E-learning in India using IT Strategic Tools | 2nd International Conference on Digital Economy, IIM Raipur | 2019 |
Sriram Rajagopalan | Abetment of accidents on National Highways in India using Technology | POMS 30th Annual Conference Washington D.C, | 2019 |
Shameem Shagirbasha & Angeline Gautami Fernando | Think Inverted Maslow’s to build great organizations | British Academy of Management ,Birmingham, UK | 2019 |
Shameem Shagirbasha | Cognitive appraisal and Emotional labour | British Academy of Management ,Birmingham, UK | 2019 |