Great Lakes Center for Management Research

Great Lakes Institute of Management has been bringing the best brains in the world of management to India with an objective to provide excellent management education.

We have tie-ups with eminent universities of international repute. This center aims to promote, facilitate and advance India-centric management related research, which contributes to the development of basic and applied knowledge in the field of management. The center will be a bridge that links scholars around the globe with India as a common interest.

Some definitive steps towards this objective include inclusion of greater research component in the post graduate program through an empirical study; promoting collaborative research among students in association with other universities; publishing Great Lakes Herald, a journal in the area of management; organizing an international annual research conference and strengthening of research environment and infrastructure.


The Great Lakes Herald

Great Lakes Herald is a half-yearly journal of the Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, India. The mission of "Great Lakes Herald" is to present new evidence that describes the world of management and business and translate research findings on important issues concerning management and business for non-specialists.



  • Cornell University
  • Chicago Booth
  • Skema Business School
  • Universite Bordeaux
  • Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
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