In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. TEDx is a program where live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. TEDx grants free licenses to like-minded individuals around the world to organize a TED style event to share ideas and foster innovation. Our event is called TEDxGLIMChennai, where x = independently organized TED event. At our TEDxGLIMChennai event, TEDTalks video and live speakers will combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events, including ours, are self-organized.
TEDxGLIMChennai is an independently organized TEDx event hosted by Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai. TEDxGLIMChennai’ 2022 “Crossroads” was held as a virtual event on 13th March, 2022. The event showcased 5 speakers from diverse backgrounds who shared their views and ideas to an audience of over 200 participants. The theme "Crossroads" talks about the tough choices that come up in everyone's life and how the path you choose makes you who you are today. This year, we celebrated the stories of those titans, who conquered these crossroads. TEDxGLIMChennai is a non-profit event, and its purpose is to promote inter- cultural intellectual sharing and networking of people with different backgrounds, and diverse locations.
The journey of former IES Officer Akhand Swaroop Pandit is as inspiring as it gets. From an average student to being known as the man who cleared every government exam, he has lived a story that only a few can draw parallels with.
An IIT Delhi alumnus, his journey was not always an easy one, with hardship being his constant companion. In stark contrast with popular perception, he has also been the national powerlifting champion, not once but twice. In an effort to give back to society, Mr. Pandit founded ‘The Catalyst Group’, a platform that has constantly been helping countless young minds realize their goals and fly high!
A motivational speaker and a dynamic leader, believes it is much easier to manage technology than manage people. Originally from Hyderabad, she moved to Amsterdam 7 years ago and currently works for Ximedes - a Dutch Software Development company. A person who took an unconventional decision at a crucial crossroad in life, who truly believed in the power of self-worth, who broke the shackles of the society and pursued her dreams in Amsterdam, and on her way, empowered many! She has touched the lives of thousands through her story which was featured in “Humans of Amsterdam”.
An industry veteran who is a firm believer in collaboration between the Industry and Academia.
He is the Executive Director (Regional Services) of Indian Oil and heads key areas for the company's Northern Region. He has three decades of experience in the petroleum sector across functions like Operations, Aviation, Retail & Institutional Business, and Human Resources. He has made significant contributions in the framing of HR policies and digitalization of Performance Related Pay based on the online Performance Management System of Indian Oil.
A compassionate leader, a humanitarian, and a social entrepreneur, he has had multiple feathers in his cap throughout his journey.
With a wide experience that ranges from working in the IT industry, being a part of NGOs like MAD and Teach for India, to pursue his MBA from IIM-A, he has come a long way and is the CEO of an NGO-“Camp Diaries”. This organization aims to equip 1,00,000 children from lower-income communities with skills that are needed to become passionate and independent leaders by 2024. While the world was going through a tough time during the pandemic and uncertainty surfaced us all, he quit his job and provided over 2 lakh meals to people who couldn’t support themselves. The kind of courage that he showed was commendable and doesn’t come to many. He won the hearts of many in the reality show “MTV Roadies Real Heroes.”.
A great human being with over 17 years of Military, Corporate and Entrepreneurial experience.
Being an Army veteran, he has had an adventurous life, he was also a part of a reality show- Khatron Ke Khiladi. A FIT India Ambassador who is also a mountaineer, he climbs and runs to spend time with himself. His mantra to stay fit is to be in his 20s even in his 40s which motivates every age group.