The journey from Good to Great
Established in 2004 by Padmashree awardee, Dr. Bala V Balachandran, Professor Emeritus at Kellogg School of Management, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai is now among India’s leading Business Schools. Led by an exceptional faculty, steered by an outstanding advisory council and buoyed by international collaborations, Great Lakes, has emerged as a top ranked Business School within a short span of time.
To Be a World Class Management Institute to Develop Socially Sensitive, Business Ready Leaders and Entrepreneurs with Futuristic Orientation and Commitment towards Innovation and Excellence through Cost-Effective Programs.
To Develop Future Ready Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs with an Analytical Mindset, Prepared For Current and Future Market Needs, Through Contemporary and High-Quality Teaching, Research and Social Engagement.

"Great Lakes has always been proactive in recognizing the global trends & shifts in the business landscape and has been pioneering several innovations to keep in tune with these shifts."
Mohan Lakhamraju
Great Lakes Institute of Management